Meet Star
Born in San Diego, growing up there and in Phoenix and Denver, I would have to admit to being a city girl. However that wasn’t where I longed to be any longer. The quiet country surrounded by the peace and tranquility of nature was beckoning. There’s a saying that goes “Love the life you live, and live the life you love”. Some of us take a long time in figuring out just what that may be, and need a little push in the right direction. I was raised to listen to the Lord and see where His hand would guide, so that is what we did.
We, my very wonderful husband Bob and I, decide to start looking into where to retire. We made a list of all the things that would appeal to us and started to look for our new home. Cost of living, golf, sailing, gardening, homesteading, animals, and accessibility to visit children and grandchildren all were important factors in choosing just the right spot. Here we are, Cane Hill Missouri! We now have a house that was built in 1889, sitting on five acres, on a peninsula in the middle of a 25,000 acre lake, and eleven miles from the nearest town of 1,800. Just a bit of a change. A great change, and why not work at something that encompasses my love for art and nature, make jewelry!
I hope you enjoy the natural stones used to create these pieces as much as I enjoyed selecting and creating with them. It’s truly a blessing to be loving the life we are living and living the life we love.